The foot acts as an important part of the lower kinetic chain and is designed to distribute and absorb the kinetic forces during the supporting of the gait phase. The weight of the body during walking is centered on the foot and the ankle joint. As our weight is multiplied, the joints of the lower limb are overloaded and that is increasing the chances of injuries and functional problems. If the leg pronates (dropped arch) or supinates (high arch) more than normal, the axes of the stride change. The consequences of this change are symptoms such as fatigue and pain, mostly in the back of the legs, especially after long standing. For those who have stiff legs, the common problems they face are sprains, stress fractures and problems with knees, hips, and loin. These problems are related to the wrong walking and incorrect absorption of mechanical stresses.
To repair these problems, special orthotics are made. These soles are made of materials of different densities and the choice of the right one is made according to the age, weight, activities and the needs of each individual. Wearing a pair of orthotics, every shoe turns into orthopedic. In this way, the foot functions properly, avoiding mistakes and pronations, as well as shock absorption during walking. Immediately, these soles extend their protection to the other joints of the lower limb. They also protect the loin from injuries and other chronic problems. The role of orthotics is to control the excessive and possibly dangerous movement of the ankle joint and the forefoot and to help reduce excessive loads. They do not intend to alter or correct the foot abnormalities but to reduce pain and improve the foot function while walking.
The orthotics consist of two parts, the front and back elevations.
The purpose of the front elevation is to provide support for the deformation of the forefoot, while the purpose of the back elevation is to place the back of the foot as close as possible to the neutral position. The function of the back elevation is more important when walking as it ensures that the heel contacts with the ground.
The relief from pain and the ability of patients to return to previous levels of activity are the main criteria for the success of orthotic treatment.
Digital Foot Analysis is a cutting-edge system that records and studies the distribution of the forces and the pressure on the sole, during walking or standing. It consists of a platform and a software program.
It Performs a Dynamic-Static Analysis -Stabilometry. It traces the footprint for an absolutely personalized insole.
Foot Analysis is a cutting-edge system used in:
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Sports Medicine
- Physical therapy
The software evaluates and manages the various rates of foot pressures while in motion, sole scar detection, the maximum foot traction pressure, and the footprint.
It allows full body balance analysis. Through foot analysis and right evaluation, the insoles are created and they respond to the slightest specificity of the patient. They are easy to use and durable to suit all types of shoes.
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