Lower back and hip pain is a symptom, not a condition. However, it has become synonymous and identical to the condition, apparently due to its “epidemic” form, but also to the frequent inability to find its exact reason.
The lumbar spine, which consists of 5 vertebras, is involved in all movements. It is fundamental to maintain the upright position and allows the core of our body to rotate, flex and twist.
The lower back, therefore, supports a large part of the body’s weight and its movements. The obstruction of its functions may be particularly restrictive.
When the pain in the lumbar region is caused by the compression of one of the nerve roots exiting the vertebral canal, it tends to reflect in the area in which the nerve ends. So, in the case of the spinal canal, the pain is reflected in the lower part of the affected side.
In these cases, we are talking about sciatic back pain (Lumbar Sciatica).
Pain (which is the main symptom) can occur after an intense effort, but it is also possible to occur spontaneously while it tends to be continuous with seizures.
Rarely, sciatic back pain is accompanied by neurological damage (mainly in the form of kinetic disorder). This damage is the result of the compression of one of the nerves in the spine due to discopathy or spinal disc herniation.
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